TSM Survey 2024
Results of the Tenants' Satisfaction Measures Survey 2024
North Camden Housing Co-Operative
Survey was published on the NCHC website and posted to 8 members without internet access.
Total number of responses - 33 (out of 111 members)
Responses as a percentage - 30%
Note- the following responses are recorded as a percentage of the total received for each question.
Section 1 - Questions required by the Regulator of Social Housing
Over 70% of people responded positively being very or fairly satisfied with all aspects of NCHC provision of housing and repairs. Q5 there was a degree of dissatisfaction about whether the Co-op listened to their views. 32% of the three people who made a complaint to the Co-op all said they were fairly dissatisfied about the way it was handled. 31% didn’t know whether they had a communal area and 20% didn’t know about the contribution the Co-op made to their local neighbourhood. 36% were dissatisfied with the Co-ops handling of anti-social behaviour.
Q1 - Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by NCHC?
Number of responses for this question: 30
Very Satisfied 37%
Fairly Satisfied 40%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 9%
Fairly Dissatisfied 5%
Very Dissatisfied 9%
Q2 - Has NCHC carried out a repair to your home in the last 12 months?
Number of responses for this question: 31
Yes 77%
No 23%
Q2A - If yes, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall repairs service from NCHC over the last 12 months?
Number of responses for this question: 24
Very Satisfied 33%
Fairly Satisfied 43%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 8%
Fairly Dissatisfied 16%
Very Dissatisfied 0%
Q2B - If yes, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it?
Number of responses for this question: 24
Very Satisfied 35%
Fairly Satisfied 39%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 13%
Fairly Dissatisfied 4%
Very Dissatisfied 9%
Q3 - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that NCHC provides a home that is well maintained?
Number of responses for this question: 30​
Very Satisfied 28%
Fairly Satisfied 53%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3%
Fairly Dissatisfied 10%
Very Dissatisfied 6%
Q4 - Thinking about the condition of the property or building you live in, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that NCHC provides a home that is safe?
Number of responses for this question: 30​
Very Satisfied 41%
Fairly Satisfied 43%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 6%
Fairly Dissatisfied 0%
Very Dissatisfied 10%
Q5 - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that NCHC listens to your views and acts upon them?
Number of responses for this question: 30​
Very Satisfied 42%
Fairly Satisfied 16%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 10%
Fairly Dissatisfied 16%
Very Dissatisfied 16%
Q6 - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that NCHC keeps you informed about things that matter to you?
Number of responses for this question: 30​
Very Satisfied 42%
Fairly Satisfied 26%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 16%
Fairly Dissatisfied 6%
Very Dissatisfied 10%
Q7 - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following “NCHC treats me fairly and with respect”?
Number of responses for this question: 30​
Strongly Agree 42%
Agree 33%
Neither agree nor disagree 15%
Disagree 0%
Strongly Disagree 10%
Q8 - Have you made a complaint to NCHC in the last 12 months?
Number of responses for this question: 30
Yes 10%
No 90%
Q8A - If yes, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with NCHC’s approach to complaints handling?
Number of responses for this question: 3​
Very Satisfied 0%
Fairly Satisfied 0%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0%
Fairly Dissatisfied 100%
Very Dissatisfied 0%
Q9 - Do you live in a building with communal areas, either inside or outside, that NCHC is responsible for maintaining?
Number of responses for this question: 29
Yes 45%
No 24%
Don't know 31%
Q9A - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that NCHC keeps these communal areas clean and well maintained?
Number of responses for this question: 14​
Very Satisfied 28%
Fairly Satisfied 36%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 28%
Fairly Dissatisfied 0%
Very Dissatisfied 8%
Q10 - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that NCHC makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood?
Number of responses for this question: 24​
Very Satisfied 24%
Fairly Satisfied 36%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 28%
Fairly Dissatisfied 3%
Very Dissatisfied 10%
Q11 - How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with NCHCs approach to handling anti-social behaviour?
Number of responses for this question: 25​
Very Satisfied 16%
Fairly Satisfied 29%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 23%
Fairly Dissatisfied 6%
Very Dissatisfied 10%
Section 2 - About our members' engagement with the co-op
Of the 33 total respondents, 24 people had been an active committee member within the past 5 years. Most people understood how the Co-op ran and 62% stated they felt proud to be a Co-operative member. Only 4 people (13%) said they actually used the website and only 38% thought the Co-op communicated well about decisions that affect them.
Q1 - Have you been on a committee or volunteered your time to the Co-op in the past 5 years?​
Number of responses for this question: 30
Yes 80%
No 13%
Prefer not to say 7%
Q1A - If yes, please tick the box next to any statements that you agree with. (multiple choice question)​
Number of responses for this question: 24
I felt like I was heard and my opinion was taken seriously 54%
I felt I had enough time and meetings were flexible enough for me to attend 50%
I felt I understood procedures and wanted to make a difference 62%
I liked to meet up with friends and neighbours 42%
Other (please specify) 0%
Q1B - If no, please tick the box next to any statements that you agree with. (multiple choice question)​
Number of responses for this question: 4
I don‘t understand enough about the co-op to get more involved 0%
I have no time due to prior commitments 50%
I don't know enough people in the co-op to take part 25%
I used to be involved and now I feel I’ve done my part / want to hand it on to other members 100%
Other (please specify) 50% (2 people) - "Previous bad experiences while investing large amounts of time to my previous co-op and not feeling welcome at this one" "Long term ill health and dealing with problems with my flat"​​​​
Q2 - Please tick the box next to any statements that you agree with (multiple choice question)​
Number of responses for this question: 29
I can physically access the office easily 59%
I have physically visited the office in the past year 59%
It is important to me to have a physical office space for the co-op 69%
I can get in touch with staff easily via the phone or email 79%
I use the co-op website members area for information on the co-op and how it works 13%
I use the Arthur maintenance system to report and monitor repairs 51%
I know how to contact the chair of the management committee 48%
Q3 - Please tick the box next to any statements that you agree with (multiple choice question)​
Number of responses for this question: 29
I understand the work of the management committee and subcommittees in supporting my housing 79%
I feel I have a lot to offer the co-op in terms of my skills and experience 62%
I feel attached to the co-operative and the wider co-operative movement 65%
I feel proud to be a member of a co-operative 62%
The co-operative communicates well and I know how the decisions that effect me are made 38%
I feel a sense of ownership in my housing and the co-operative as an organisation 59%
Section 3 - Demographics of our members
It was the elders that mainly responded, the people who had been with the Co-op for over 21 years (67%)
47% had been in their current homes for over 21 years.
Over 80% of the people that responded were over the age of 50. 47% being over 65. 30% of the respondents said they had a medical problem, the main problems reported being arthritis and breathing problems.
Q1 - How long have you been a member of the Co-op?​
Number of responses for this question: 32
1-3 years 6%
4-6 years 6%
7-10 years 3%
10-15 years 12%
16-20 years 6%
21+ years 67%
Prefer not to say 0%
Q2 - How long have you lived in your current home?​
Number of responses for this question: 30
1-3 years 13%
4-6 years 6%
7-10 years 17%
10-15 years 17%
16-20 years 0%
21+ years 47%
Prefer not to say 0%
Q3 - How many adults, including you, live in your home?​
Number of responses for this question: 32
1 88%
2 6%
3 6%
4 or more 0%
Q4 - How many children (under the age of 18) live in your home?​
Number of responses for this question: 32
None 97%
1 3%
2 0%
3 0%
4 or more 0%
Q5 - How many bedrooms do you have?​
Number of responses for this question: 29
None, I live in a studio flat 10%
1 73%
2 17%
3 0%
4 or more 0%
Q6 - What is your age range?​
Number of responses for this question: 30
0-19 0%
20-34 7%
35-49 7%
50-64 36%
65-79 43%
80+ 0%
Prefer not to say 7%
Q7 - Do you have a disability and/or impairment?
The Equality Act 2010 says you're disabled if: you have a physical or mental impairment and your impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to do normal day-to-day activities. By this definition, do you consider yourself disabled?​
Number of responses for this question: 33
Yes 30%
No 63%
Prefer not to say 7%
Q7A - If yes, please tick all that apply (multiple choice question)​
Number of responses for this question: 9​
Visual impairment 11%
Hearing impairment/Deaf 11%
Multi sensory impairment 0%
Physical disabilities 44%
Cognitive or learning disabilities 0%
Mental health condition 11%
Neurodivergent 11%
Other long term/chronic conditions 55%
Prefer not to say 33%
Q7B - Tell us more about your specific access requirements. This will help us improve our services, office, and the temporary meeting venues we use.​
Three people wrote in this section. Mainly about their health condition. One wrote about the dissatisfaction with their flat which made their health condition worse.
Q8 - What is your ethnicity?​
Number of responses for this question: 30​
White British (English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish) 50%
White Irish 6%
Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0%
Any other White background 29%
White & Black Caribbean 0%
White & Black African 0%
White & Asian 0%
Any other Mixed background 3%
Indian 0%
Pakistani 0%
Bangladeshi 0%
Chinese 0%
Any other Asian background 0%
Black African 3%
Black Caribbean
Any other Black background 0%
Arab 0%
Latino / Latina 3%
Any other ethnic group 0%
Prefer not to say 6%